
My name is Yogesh Sajanikar and I live in Pune, India. I have been programming since 1996 using C/C++, Scheme, Scala, Python, and Haskell. I have worked with Geometric Software, Bentley Systems, Standard and Chartered. I am currently working with HCL Technologies at Pune as an Enterprise Architect.

I also work for a startup Traderwave and help build a various features for technical trading.

Haskell has been my favourite since I started working with it sicne 2010. I have been systematically trying to make use of functional languages at my work and commercial projects I have a chance to contribute at my work. I started Haskell Meetup in Pune.

I like to write solid geometry algoirthms related to solid modelling. I also contributed to ACIS solid modeller by developing some features and enhancements related to variable radius blend surfaces.

Recently, I am interested in formal methods in Computer Science such as Temporal Logic and Model Checker such as TLA+.